Frequently Asked Questions Q & A
Statement correcting inaccurate news reports
Regrettably, there have been a series of libelous reports about Hiroaki Jay Aeba, the chairman of our organization.
We are deeply concerned by these reports containing false information.
We also strongly urge media outlets to scrutinize their reporting and search for the facts so that reports containing
false information do not reoccur.
To our knowledge, the U.S. digital media outlet Vice and the British newspaper The Independent mentioned Aeba’s
relationship with Happy Science, calling him a “cult leader,” and claiming he is currently employed by, has ties with,
and represents Happy Science.
Aeba worked for and held roles in Happy Science in the past. However, he resigned from all positions related to Happy
Science several years ago and currently has no affiliation with them. Happy Science has also released a public
statement stating that Aeba no longer has anything to do with Happy Science and that Happy Science has no affiliation
with our organization.
We demand an immediate retraction and that these libelous inaccuracies not be repeated in the future.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Conservatism? Is it far-right?
In general, conservatism refers to conserving and maintaining a unique culture, tradition, and society. Depending on the country or region, the specifics of what should be conserved differ. As such, the principles of conservatism often vary between cultures and time periods.
The foundation of JCU’s way of thinking is influenced by two types of conservatism: traditional American conservatism, which has at its core the precepts of limited government, and economic liberalism as well as Japanese conservative thought which is predicated on thousands of years of history. One of our main purposes is to advocate for and differentiate this definition of conservatism in 21st Century Japan.
American conservatism advocates for America’s founding principles and the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. was founded in opposition to oppression by England and taxation without representation. It holds individual rights in the highest regard-- for example; property rights, freedom of religion, the right to keep and bear arms. In addition, American conservatism calls for national unity through patriotism and a strong national defense.
Like American conservatism, Japanese conservatism calls for patriotism and a strong national defense. However, due to a different history, many Japanese consider big government, the welfare state, and central planning to be “conservative.”
JCU aims to define, grow, and win for our American-influenced form of conservatism, deepen friendship between American and Japanese conservatives, and strengthen the U.S.-Japan alliance.
In Japan, conservatives (in Japanese “保守派”) are often labeled “far-right” (in Japanese “右翼”) but JCU does not carry out any of the activities that traditional Japanese “conservative” groups do (blasting wartime and military songs from propaganda trucks, threatening and using violent coercion against individuals and groups, etc.). In addition, we oppose all racial and ethnic discrimination.
JCU spreads the political philosophy of conservatism not only in Japan and the United States but also in Asia and throughout the world. JCU does this through functioning as an academic/ideological think tank, grassroots organization, and holding CPAC Japan (formerly J-CPAC) as well as town hall meetings and other events.
- What is CPAC Japan (formerly J-CPAC)? What kind of even is it?
CPAC Japan is the Japanese version of CPAC, America’s largest gathering of conservatives and has been held every year since 2017. It seeks to create solidarity between conservatives from the U.S., Japan, and Asia-Pacific nations. The American Conservative Union (ACU) and ACU Foundation (ACUF) represent the American side, the Japanese Conservative Union (JCU) represents the Japanese side, and the Asia Pacific Conservative Union (APCU) represents the greater Asia-Pacific region.
For more information on CPAC Japan, click here.
- What is CPAC?
Every year the ACU hosts the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), America’s largest gathering of conservatives. Every year over 20,000 people attend. Attendees include conservative elected officials, including Republican presidents and members of congress, leading conservative voices, and thousands of activists. CPAC influences conservative political thought and elections throughout America.
For more information on CPAC, click here.
- Does JCU have a reltionship with the religious organization “Happy Science”?
As an organization, JCU has absolutely no relations with “Happy Science.” JCU has no relationships that represent the interests of any specific religious orgnization including “Happy Science,” and many of the people involved with JCU including staff and supporters have no connections with “Happy Science.”
Hiroaki “Jay” Aeba, the current chairman of JCU, was a staff member of "Happy Science" in the past and was the first head of the Happiness Realization Party, the political wing of “Happy Science.” As such, there are some followers of “Happy Science” that support JCU’s efforts on an individual basis (meaning on their own volitition, not that of the religious organization’s).
In addition, “Happy Science” has released a statement disavowing Jay and denying any current relationship between him and “Happy Science” as well as denying any connections with JCU.