We Believe
We believe in a society that we can call “our own society” through shared values. We must cherish and hold in esteem the ideas that are at the foundation of our society.
Our shared values should not be unnecessarily upheaved by the waves of change. What should be defended must be defended. At the same time, we must consider how to navigate the waves of change. How are we to hold fast to the shared values of Japan, which have been nurtured through thousands of years of tradition and culture. Here is the basis of how we ought to conserve.
So, what are the values that should be at the basis of our society? For that, we turn the words of the proud Japanese thought leader Fukuzawa Yukichi, “Whosoever perfectly realizes the principle of Independence, both of Mind and Body, and, paying due respect to his own person, preserves his dignity unblemished, ―him we call a man of independence and self-respect.”
All individuals maintain their dignity by having a spirit of independence. The only exceptions being when this results in infringing on another’s rights or results in one man being overly dependent on another.
This is the ideal ideological foundation for us to connect with American conservatism, which advocates for limited government, and to reform the conservative movement in Japan. If the government is large, we will be subject to and controlled by it. Without regard for defending oneself, we are subject to threats both ideological and militaristic in nature. We affirm that a limited government is the only way to uphold and defend individual rights. We believe that capitalism is the only economic system of our time that is compatible with political liberty.
How do we orient the ideal conservative movement in Japanese society, a society where big government has taken root since the onset of WW II? We will continue to work to make the concepts espoused by Fukuzawa Yukichi the core of our ideal conservative movement in Japan, notably the idea of "perfectly realizing the principle of Independence, both of Mind and Body," "paying due respect to oneself," and maintaining "unembellished dignity."
Name | The Japanese Conservative Union (JCU) |
Address | 1-22-11 Ginza, Bisidence 2nd Floor, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 104-0061 |
Established | February 11, 2015 |
Phone | +81-3-6778-5087 |
FAX | +81-3-6701-7380 |
info@conservative.or.jp |
- December 19, 2023
- Chairman Aeba’s new book The Return of Trump is published, ranks #1 in Amazon Japan’s U.S. Politics category
- December 2, 2023
- Held CPAC Japan 2023 in Tokyo
- October 19-21, 2023
- Chairman Aeba attends a CPAC Summit in Las Vegas
- August 19-20, 2023
- JCU goes to CPAC Australia / Chairman Aeba delivered a speech
- July 22, 2023
- held a seminar in Fukuoka
- June 24, 2023
- held a seminar in Sapporo
- May 13, 2023
- held a seminar in Okinawa
- May 4-5, 2023
- JCU goes to CPAC Hungary / Chairman Aeba delivers a speech
- December 3, 2022
- Held CPAC Japan 2022. Speakers included President Trump, Ambassador Robert O’Brien, and leaders of various Japanese conservative political parties among other prominent individuals
- November 18-19, 2022
- JCU goes to CPAC Mexico / Chairman Aeba delivered a speech
- October 21, 2022
- Chairman Aeba interviews historian and YouTuber Makoto Mogi
- October 1, 2022
- JCU interviews former Prime Minister Tony Abbott
- October 1-2, 2022
- JCU goes to CPAC Australia / Chairman Aeba delivered a speech / Interviewed by Fred Pawle of ADH TV
- September 21-24, 2022
- JCU went to New Direction’s Think Tank Central in Tallinn, Estonia / Chairman Aeba participated in a panel on “The Global Freedom Movement”
- August 31, 2022
- Chairman Aeba interviews author and conservative commentator Tetsuhide Yamaoka
- August 24, 2022
- Chairman Aeba interviews Sen Yamanaka, a Japanese entrepreneur, author, and political commentator based in the U.S.
- August 4-7, 2022
- Chairman Aeba delivered a speech on the main stage at CPAC Dallas 2022 / Meeting with President Trump
- June 12, 2022
- Held a seminar in Gifu titled “A Time For Choosing” on how the betterment of the world depends on a strong and independent Japan
- May 20, 2022
- Chairman Aeba interviews Candace Owens to discuss conservatism, the BLM movement, and the Japanese language version of her book Black Out
- May 19-20, 2022
- JCU goes to CPAC Hungary / Chairman Aeba delivers a speech
- May 15, 2022
- Held a seminar in Okinawa to commemorate the 50th-anniversary of the return of Okinawa to Japan and discuss Okinawa’s important role in maintaining freedom and peace in the Asia-Pacific region
- May 13, 2022
- Chairman Aeba interviewed Rui Matsukawa, Member of the House of Councilors to discuss Japan’s national security policy
- February 26, 2022
- PJ Media interviews Chairman Aeba
- February 26, 2022
- Chairman Aeba interviews Congressman Billy Long
- February 25, 2022
- NTD’s Tiffany Meier interviews Chairman Aeba is interviewed by
- February 25, 2022
- Sandy Rios interviews Chairman Aeba on American Family Radio
- February 24-27, 2022
- Chairman Aeba delivered a speech on the main stage at CPAC 2022 / Meeting with President Trump / Co-hosted a reception at CPAC with the ACU
- February 12, 2022
- Chairman Aeba interviewed Alice King (Birei Kin), a Taiwanese born Japanese political activist, critic of the Chinese Communist Party, and an advocate of the Taiwanese independence movement
- February 11, 2022
- Held a seminar in Tokyo titled “2022: Japan’s Time for Choosing”
- December 4, 2021
- Held CPAC Japan 2021. Speakers included President Donald J. Trump, Secretary Mike Pompeo, and Senator Bill Hagerty among other prominent individuals
- November 12, 2021
- Held a workshop titled “Can Liberty and Democracy Win Against Authoritarianism?”
- October 15, 2021
- Held a workshop titled “Versus China: How World War III Has Already Begun”
- September 17, 2021
- Held a workshop titled “Conservatism as a Bulwark Against Authoritarianism”
- August 27, 2021
- Held a workshop titled “How to Combat Totalitarianism; Learning from F. A. Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom”
- July 16, 2021
- Held a workshop on how conservatism can be utilized to confront Japan’s problems
- July 9-11, 2021
- Chairman Aeba delivered a speech on the main stage at CPAC Dallas 2021 / Meeting with President Trump
- June 15, 2021
- Chairman Aeba interviews Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
- March 13, 2021
- Held a seminar in Gifu, Japan
- February 25-28, 2021
- JCU Chairman Aeba delivered a speech on the main stage at CPAC 2021
- February 24, 2021
- Chairman Aeba interviews Senator Bill Hagerty (former ambassador to Japan)
- February 16, 2021
- Chairman Aeba interviews Congressman Greg Steube
- February 15, 2021
- JCU’s Youtube Channel is ranked the #1 most influential YouTube Channel in Japan for theNews and Politics section
- February 11, 2021
- Held a seminar in Tokyo, Japan on how U.S.-China relations will impact Japan’s economy
- December 5, 2020
- Held CPAC Japan 2020
- November 5, 2020
- Matthew Noyes goes on the Liberal Democratic Party’s program “CafeSta” to discuss youthinvolvement in politics in Japan and the U.S. and the 2020 election (Japanese only).
- October 29 to November 3, 2020
- JCU live-streamed coverage of the U.S. Presidential election in the days leadingup to election day.
- September 12-13, 2020
- JCU participated in the Free Economics Research Conference. JCU’s Matthew Noyesgave a presentation titled “Socialism is Immoral”
- August 5, 2020
- Concerns with Losing South Korea to Election Fraud: Announced serious concerns regarding losing South Korea due to
- June 2, 2020
- JCU’s Matthew Noyes is featured on Linc Interviews to discuss JCU’s mission and East Asianforeign policy
- February 26-29, 2020
- Chairman Aeba delivered a speech on the main stage at CPAC 2020 / Meeting withPresident Trump
- December 14, 2019
- Symposium on Strengthening Japan-Taiwan Relations (Taiwan University Auditorium)
- November 24, 2019
- Held a JCU seminar in Okinawa
- October 1, 2019
- Main stage speech at conservative rally held in Seoul, South Korea with hundreds of thousands of onlookers / CPAC Korea 2019
- September 25, 2019
- Spoke at the bilateral conservative forum (Auditorium of the Republic of Korea National Assembly Library) to restore Japan-South Korea relations
- September 1, 2019
- Pro-democracy activist “Andy” Chan Ho-tin invited to CPAC Japan, detained in the airport / issued a statement requesting immediate release / Impromptu Hong Kong visit (meeting with Mr. Chan Ho-tin and Apple Daily founder Jimmy Lai)
- August 31-September 1, 2019
- Held CPAC Japan 2019 (formerly J-CPAC 2019)
- August 25, 2019
- Organized a training for conservative students at Keio University, invited Matthew Noyes tolead the training.
- August 9-10, 2019
- CPAC Australia 2019 / Meeting with White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows (at that time, Member of the House of Representatives)
- July 6, 2019
- Chairman Aeba is interviewed by the Epoch Times
- May 28, 2019
- Talks with Ms. Rebiya Kadeer, Leader of the World Uyghur Congress
- March 13, 2019
- JCU Chief Researcher M. Watanabe gave a lecture on Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution atthe law school of Jindal University, India.
- February 27-March 2, 2019
- Chairman Aeba delivered a speech on the main stage at CPAC 2019 / Meeting with President Trump
- January 19, 2019
- Held a seminar on the book Trump’s America and the implications for Japan's future in Tokyo
- November 17-18, 2018
- Held CPAC Japan 2018 (formerly J-CPAC 2018) and welcomed Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney as a speaker
- February 21, 2018
- Chairman Aeba delivered a speech on the main stage at CPAC 2018 / Announcement of APCU’s Establishment / Meeting with President Trump and Vice President Pence
- December 17-18, 2017
- Held Japan's first CPAC, CPAC Japan 2017 (formerly J-CPAC 2017)
- February 25, 2017
- Chairman Aeba delivered a speech at CPAC 2017 on the main stage
- January 25, 2017
- Attended President Trump's inauguration ceremony and inauguration celebration ball
- December 9, 2016
- Held a Symposium on Japan-US Relations under the new Trump Administration at Meguro Gajoen
- March 5, 2016
- Chairman Aeba became the first Japanese to deliver a speech on the mainstage at CPAC 2016
- February 11, 2015
- Established
Board of
Founder of JCU Shun Eguchi
After graduating from Takushoku University in Tokyo, he joined the Sankei Shimbun, Japan's only conservative national newspaper. He served as a sales director and the president of Sankei's branch newspaper specializing in economic news, Fuji-Sankei Business Eye. Later, he served on Sankei's board of directors. After retiring, Shun Eguchi founded JCU with Jay・H・Aeba in 2015.
JCU Chairman Jay・H・Aeba
Chairman of the Japanese Conservative Union (JCU). Since 2012, he has served as an advisor to the Republican National Committee (RNC). In 2015, he founded JCU as the counterpart to the American Conservative Union (ACU). In March 2016, even though it was before Trump became the Republican nominee, he published the book titled The Trump Revolution that supported Trump despite vocal objections from people around him. Together with the Japanese language version of Clinton Cash published in February (Jay serving as the editorial supervisor), his books have achieved first place in the bestseller rankings on Amazon Japan. After President Trump was elected, the phrase "Trump Revolution" which he coined became widely used among conservatives. He also supervised the Japanese language edition of the book Trump’s America: The Truth about our Nation’s Great Comeback (2018, Sankei Shimbun Publications Inc.).