Asia Pacific Conservative Union(APCU)
APCU is a framework for promoting cooperation between conservatives from nations that share the values
of freedom and democracy across the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
The Asia Pacific Conservative Union (APCU) is a framework for building a coalition of conservatives in nations that share the values of freedom and democracy in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. Currently, we facilitate cooperation between conservatives in the United States, South Korea, Taiwan, India, Brazil, Australia, Mongolia, and more. Member organizations from each country are in contact with each other and are exploring what future collaboration will look like.
Behind the need for APCU and the potential for multilateral cooperation are the military and political threats faced by Asia-Pacific nations by countries that do not hold shared values. One major goal is to defend the current international order, which is based on classical liberalism and democracy, by ensuring mutual cooperation at the grassroots level. This complements the Blue Dot Network initiative, which is being promoted by the United States, Australia, and Japan, and the four-country alliance initiative (Quad Alliance Initiative), which adds India to these three countries, on the private level.
Some of APCU’s specific activities include the denunciation of fraudulent elections and the exploitation of countries through development assistance that requires them to violate their peoples’ interests. Meetings for exchanging opinions between members are held in Washington D.C. among other places.
- Advocating for election integrity to strengthen democratic institutions.
- Denouncing predatory foreign aid aimed at coercing receiving nations
to act against their people and national interest.